Why Won't Fans Let The Jason Derulo Stairs Meme Die?

It's been a full decade since the first iteration of the Jason Derulo stairs meme surfaced. But although Jason himself refuted claims that it's him in the photo, and despite evidence that the person in question didn't even resemble Derulo at all, the meme just won't die.

So why is the viral meme still trending all these years later?

Where Did The Jason Derulo Stairs Meme Come From?

The original 'Jason Derulo has fallen down the stairs' meme originated in 2011, after someone fell down the stairs at the Cannes Film Festival. But it did take a while before anyone decided to attach Jason's name to the spoofed pic.

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In 2015, people started suggesting that it was Jason in the photo, incorrectly attributing the image to the 2015 Met Gala. One single Tweet got the ball rolling, setting off a meme chain that doesn't seem to have stopped since.

Who's Really In The Jason Derulo Stairs Meme?

Onlookers (well, Twitter users at least) swear it was Jason who fell, but in reality, it was some unnamed person who was accused of "rushing" the red carpet. It appeared that the random man in a white suit had broken into the Cannes festival and wasn't really supposed to be there.

He wasn't someone famous -- and he doesn't even have the same skin tone as Jason Derulo to begin with.

The light-skinned man, who happened to have dark hair, was nearly tackled by someone in a black suit as he came down the stairs at Cannes. What's most interesting about the original picture is that Jason wasn't even at the Met Gala in 2015 -- and he apparently wasn't at Cannes in 2011, either.

Why Won't Fans Let The Jason Derulo Stairs Meme Go?

The short answer as to why fans don't want to let the Jason Derulo meme die is that they're not fans. The people who love to circulate the meme, giving it new life each time, are typically critics of Derulo.

Fans of his music (and his TikTok videos) realize that the singer doesn't appeal to all audiences. And the meme continuing to circulate a full ten years after its first iteration is proof that some people just don't like him. Of course, the way he unceremoniously dumped his famous ex is another reason why some fans don't love him anymore.

But some fans have shared the image to carry the joke onward. In fact, someone seems to re-share the image, with a new meme-y caption, every time there's an awards ceremony of any kind. "Jason Derulo falling down the stairs" has been circulated for the 2020 Golden Globes, the 2020 Emmys (which were, quite hilariously, broadcasted over Zoom), and more.

And part of the fun has been the puns fans came up with as captions; "Jason Derolled down the stairs" is a popular one.

Not that Jason really cares; he's too busy making mega-bucks on TikTok to care about an old meme, right?

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