If you were looking for how to say happy Kwanzaa, then you’re in the right place. Kwanzaa is pronounced as “kwahn-zuh,” and it originated from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza” which means ‘First Fruits.’
Chair of the Department of African Studies at California State University, Long Beach, Dr. Maulana Karenga, started the harvest festivals in Africa, and they happen in communities all over the world.
These festivals took flight in Watts Riots in Los Angeles, California, in 1964, and they were quite similar to Black Freedom Movement. These festivals are not entitled to or associated with any religion in particular.
Dr. Karenga admires the fact that the festival is adopted by communities so they can come along and meet each other to celebrate the fruits of their collective labor.
These days are regarded as principles that are dedicated to reflecting seven communitarian principles called “Nguzo Saba.”
1. Umoja (Unity)
2. Kujichagulia (Self-determination)
3. Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
4. Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
5. Nia (Purpose)
6. Kuumba (Creativity)
7. Imani (Faith)
Kelly Navies is an oral historian and museum specialist for the National Museum of African American History and Culture. She told a strong source that Kwanzaa is a festival that marks African American celebration.
She added this festival highlights the culture of the African diaspora and gives different communities a chance to show their values and come together.
This festival’s holiday is not associated with any religion, which gives the opportunity to get closer to each other.
It was confirmed that a family lits one of the seven candles that represent one of the seven principal values. The first candle that it lit is of black color and is placed in the middle of ‘Kinara’ (the candle holder).
Then the rest of the candles are lit, starting from left to right. The order reflects people (Black Candle), then the struggle, which is of Red Candle, and then hope, which is of Green Candle.
Black, Red, and Green.
The order reflects (people) Black Candle, then the struggle, which is of Red Candle, and then hope, which is of Green Candle.